Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gmail wizardry!

Need to find that one email in your inbox of 4k? Well, you can search for it, or you can sort your inbox :D
With gmail, thats not as retarded as it sounds! The trick is filters, there are millions of pages descibing those, so ill just show some examples before we leave the well traveled path and stumble into the dark woods.

Next to the search box in gmail you can click create filter, click it.
Try these:
Matches: from:(*@*.paypal.* | * | * | cashier*)
Do this: Apply label "banking", Never send it to Spam

Matches: ((to:solenskiner+important | to:solenskiner+urgent) | to:solenskiner (subject:important | subject:urgent))
Do this: Apply label "urgent", Never send it to Spam

Oooh whats that gleaming in the woods, i gotto check it out..
Matches: from:(support | support_registration | bugs | bounces | no-reply | noreply | alert | alerts | info | account | accounts | do-not-reply | donotreply | bounce | bounces | service | forum | apache | site | support1 | admin | feedback | chief | password | team) ((email | nickname | username | login | användarnamn | postadress | mobilnummer | smeknamn | loginnamn | användar) ***** (password | lösenord) -verification -removed -cancel -instruktioner -confirm -regards -unsubscribe)
Do this: Apply label "account information", Never send it to Spam

What a pretty ring..
Matches: -{label:family | label:friends | label:social-networks | label:blogging | label:banking | label:work | label:school | label:authorities | label:urgent | label:account-information}
Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "unimportant"

I feel.. powerful!
Matches: whatever you like
Do this: Apply label "set1"

Matches: whatever else
Do this: Apply label "set2"

Matches: label:set1 | label:set2
Matches: label:set1 label:set2
Matches: label:set1 | label:set2 -( label:set1 label:set2)
Matches: label:set1 -label:set2
matches: label:set2 -label:set1

Submit to my will or feel the fiery touch of my whip!

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